
Vote for the best poster here.


#18 Flipping learning with online gamification: Adopting game elements in Moodle for motivating first-year nursing students to be prepared

Presenters: Timna Garnett, Didy Button
While a blended and flipped learning approach to encourage students to prepare for a face-to-face class is well documented, less is known about using game-like elements to increase student engagement with preparation activities. To provide students with opportunities for game-like experiences in a university context, a subject requires redesigning and adaptation within the elearning platform. The pilot project at Flinders University aimed to investigate whether game-like elements in the weekly online study plan would increase the level of motivation of 400+ first-year pre-registration nursing students to complete preliminary study prior to undertaking weekly face-to-face classes. The study’s findings and recommendations will enable university educators to consider how game-like elements effect the motivation of their students, and how educators could design a game-like approach across subjects and within disciplines in the higher education sector.

#66 Deploying learner-centred flexible delivery with tablets

Presenters: Selena Chan
Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology launched a Technology-enhanced Learning (TEL) strategy in response to a need for creative, nimble and high quality educational and training delivery solutions. The project reported in this poster, one of six TEL projects, deploys Microsoft Surface RT tablets to encourage a shift to learner-centred teaching and learning approaches. This poster reports from evaluations and indicative themes arising from the project’s the first iteration.

#77 Self-efficacy, motivation, locus of control, learning analytics and their relationship to academic performance

Presenters: Jaclyn Broadbent
This study was designed to examine how self-efficacy, locus of control, motivation, and basic learning analytics (e.g. discussion board activity and learning management system log on) predict academic performance of students. Data were collected through self-administered questionnaire from the students (n=310), as well as grades and data analytics from the learning management system (Desire2Learn). Path analyses were conducted to evaluate a proposed model of associations. Several variables were predictive of unit grades. Of these, self-efficacy was the strongest direct predictor, and also indirectly influenced grades via lower amotivation. Amotivation and LMS discussion posts read also directly predicted unit grade. Results largely conform to expectation, and show the central role of self-efficacy in predicting student performance. Discussion board activity was also predictive of performance, but to a lesser extent, suggesting the primacy of psychological factors more so than online engagement in determining outcome.

#99 Transforming Teaching and Assessment Practices: Using digital audio assessment feedback for quicker, better focussed feedback to enhance student learning experiences and outcomes.

Presenters: Judith Lyons, Carolyn Bailey
This poster will present the initial findings of the digital audio feedback project which used innovative ways to enhance student learning experiences and outcomes. The poster will report on the innovation of using digital audio files to provide student focussed feedback on different types of assessment tasks appropriate for health professional education which students can access through mobile technologies. Evaluative research methods was used to provide evidence for best practice on how such innovation can be seamlessly integrated into LMS Moodle and enhance teaching and learning practice by being scaled up for use by other staff members.

#101 Digital and Social Media Applications in learning Communities

Presenters: Victorio Burcio-Martin
Our project builds on the foundation of existing research and implementation of mobile learning projects (mlearning) and new social media trends. The mlearning model we utilize is informed and driven by social constructivist pedagogies, within a staged and constructed approach to transform the learning environment from lecturer-centered (pedagogy) to student-centered (andragogy), while maintaining the critical pedagogical guidance of the lecturer. We are exploring new pedagogies that are appropriate to a 21st Century Post Web 2.0 Communications education. We are particularly interested in student interaction and collaboration using mobile social media technologies as a catalyst for pedagogical change and curriculum design.

#104 Enhancing Queensland Primary and Secondary Pre-service Teachers’ Self-efficacy to Teach Technology Using Remote Access Laboratories

Presenters: Wu Ting
This research is about Queensland primary and secondary pre-service teachers’ self-efficacy to teach STEM. Remote Access Labs (RAL) are being used as a vehicle to influence pre-service teachers’ self-efficacy to teach STEM. The main research question is to investigate in what ways engagement with RAL influences pre-service teachers’ self-efficacy. The sub quesitons are: what aspects of the RAL experience influences pre-service teachers? How do the experiences of working with RAL affect the pre-service teachers’ preparation to teach STEM? Bandura’s self-efficacy theory is the conceptual framework in this research. Mixed methods will be used. Pre and post surveys will trace changes in their self-efficacy to investigate in what ways engagement with RAL influences their self-efficacy. Interviews will be used to explore why their self-efficacy changed. The outcome of this research is to find out ways to impact on pre-service teachers’ self-efficacy to teach STEM.

#107 End of learning management systems as we know them?

Presenters: Emre Erturk

At universities and tertiary institutions, learning management systems (LMS) play an important role in course management, educational delivery, and learning design. However, the precise nature of an LMS’s role has been open to debate. There is a variety of perspectives, which range from treating the institution’s LMS as a constant and indispensable factor (Aggarwal, 2012) to treating it as an impediment or an outdated artefact (Spiro, 2014). The goal of this poster is to summarize and illustrate a multitude of aspects involved, with the help of new diagrams alongside the brief text. The concise literature review is combined with the author’s own insights from using several major learning management systems as a teacher and course designer. Then the illustrations serve to conceptualize the ideas resulting from these reviews and reflections. Finally, the poster highlights a number of interesting and informative conclusions as well as recommendations for future research.

#113 Learning Analytics in Oz: What’s happening now, what’s planned, and where could it (and should it) go?

Presenters: Tim Rogers
This poster outlines the process and purpose of two related Australian Office for Learning and Teaching (OLT) commissioned grants now underway to investigate the current usage and future potential of learning analytics in Australian Higher Education, with a view to developing a maturity model to guide universities in their adoption of learning analytics

#114 Supporting the adoption of Open Educational Practices through capacity-building

Prsenters: Carina Bossu, Wendy Fountain
This poster will explore a small research project funded by the Australian Government Office for Learning and Teaching. The project aims to design, develop and test a free, open and online professional development course focussed on supporting curriculum design in Higher Education. The course has a specific aim to develop the capacity of academics in Australia to adopt and incorporate Open Educational Resources (OER) and Open Educational Practices (OEP) into curriculum development for more effective and efficient learning and teaching across the Australian higher education sector. The initiative addresses an identified gap between awareness of OEP and implementation of OEP, particularly the production, adaptation and use of OER to support the design of innovative, engaging and agile curriculum. In additional, the poster will present the current stages of the project, aspects of the design adopted, and the evaluation strategies that will be used to gather learners’ experiences and reflections on their course engagement and learning.

#120 Snapshot: Developing a tool for authentic open assessment to support student success

Presenters: Donna Bisset, Ruth Jelley, Mungo Jones
Digital poster link
Snapshot online journal is an open education resource (OER) designed to showcase student assessment and provide a vehicle for academic staff in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at La Trobe University to rethink their assessment into authentic and interactive practice. The journal, hosted via the university library on Open Journal Software showcases essays, short writing pieces, group reports, creative writing and reviews and will be accompanied by a YouTube channel for multimedia assignments. Issues of the journal may focus on themes across a number of subjects, or assessment from individual subjects or courses.

#127 Making a difference: iPad’s on a remote island

Presenters: Vickel Narayan, Victorio Burcio-Martin

The proposed poster will provide an overview of the setup and implementation of an iPad project (called the Digital Learning Room (DLR)) funded by the Rotary Club in collaboration with Auckland University of Technology (AUT). The DLR focuses on providing access to the students in the two remote schools but at the sametime aims to improve the pedagogical practices in the classroom. As such, the setup and choice of technology in the project plays an important role of being a catalyst for improved teaching and enabling students an opportunity to explore uncharted waters for learning. The poster will provide an overview of the setup of 70 iPad’s for use in two schools on a remote Fiji Island.

#128 Lessons from a Small Massive Open Online Course

Presenters: Susie Vergers

The Horizon Report 2013 identified Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) as ‘the technology trend of the year’ and across the globe higher education institutions are joining a growing momentum to participate in this open movement. There are two broad types of MOOCs on offer – cMOOCs which are based on the connectivism theory of learning with networks and learning developed informally, and xMOOCs which are convened on a central course site and based on content that will be followed by all students, much like a traditional online university course only bigger. To understand which type of MOOC we ought to pursue, and to gain a better understanding of our capacity to produce open online learning at mass scale, the University of the Sunshine Coast (USC) created the Blended Learning Demystified small open online course (SOOC). In Middle Eastern countries a SOUK is a marketplace; a meeting place where individuals come together to trade and share information. In the spirit of this USC’s SOOC was mostly an xMOOC type but it sought to foster principles of connectivism by giving consideration to the both the spaces of learning (moving from a classroom to an ecology) and the structures of learning (from hierarchical to networked content).

#135 Riding the MOOC wave back to shore

Presenters: Elizabeth Greener, Robyn Philip
The first wave of enthusiasm for MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) has passed, along with the accompanying rhetoric. The second wave of enthusiasm now brings with it questions about the value of this latest iteration of technology-enhanced learning. How can the benefits of developing online learning at a massive scale be re-engineered back into mainstream courses? Who benefits and how? What lessons can be learned? Investment in MOOCs is substantial from many perspectives. There are considerable strategic, financial, pedagogical, technological, logistic and staff development costs. In addition, as Bayne and Ross argue (2014, p.8) MOOC “teaching” involves “significant intellectual, emotional and time commitment from academics and the professionals who work alongside them”. The challenge now is to build on the knowledge and skills developed during the design and production of the MOOC, and return “back to shore” the benefits and opportunities for the institution in terms of its mainstream offerings. The aim of this poster is to highlight the issues for one institution meeting this challenge. The institution has a strong background in blended learning but less of a profile in distance and online learning. Designing and developing a MOOC from a traditional face-to-face course has contributed to a marked increase in knowledge of online pedagogy and supporting technologies, as well as to a collection of high quality resources for the institution. How the institution will capitalise on this new knowledge, experience and resource base to redesign the original course from which the MOOC was created raises many questions. Reviewing these, the poster outlines the case study of the reverse engineering of a Robotics MOOC into a new blended “flipped classroom”, delivered to eighty campus-based students. Carefully redesigned to offer students more flexibility and access to high quality online resources (such as short video clips and animations), the new iteration of the course leaves more class time for active learning experiences. The detailed evaluation captures real time analytics and student understanding to guide the current delivery, and informs on the potential to scale up this approach across other blended learning offerings. Drawing on insights about the design and development experience from the MOOC team (academics, educational support staff, and the media development team), this is an opportunity to reflect on process and outcomes, and determine where reality meets rhetoric.

#141 Expert in my Pocket: Creating First Person POV Videos To Enhance Mobile Learning

Presenters: Peter Bright, Bill Lord, Helen Forbes, Florin Oprescu, Nigel Barr, Terri Downer, Nicole (Nikki) Phillips, Lauren McTier, Vilma Simbag, Kristel Alla
Digital poster link
Worldwide, there has been a rapid increase in both the use of mobile technologies as a conduit for student learning and the use of wearable cameras to record sporting and recreational activities. The Expert in My Pocket project (EiMP) has combined these two technologies to produce a repository of freely available short videos and supporting materials to enhance student development of psychomotor clinical skills. These are presented from a first person point of view (1PPOV) with expert health professionals ‘thinking aloud’ as they demonstrate selected skills. ( indicates that students and educators overwhelmingly support the concept of EiMP videos and more importantly value the 1PPOV as an authentic view (Lynch, 2010). The use of EiMP videos when coupled with a simulated clinical environment and reflection on practice can support the development of clinical skills competence and confidence (Lynch et al, 2012). Additionally it has been demonstrated that students who have access to videos following initial clinical skill training maintain higher levels of competence (Hansen et al 2012) and value the use of multimedia and the ability to download videos on demand (Everett 2012). By merging technology and connection-making in learning activities, students are able to form the necessary connections between specialised information available in data bases and personal knowledge (Duke et al 2013).The poster will illustrate the equipment and techniques used by the “Expert in my Pocket” project team to produce these videos and the optional use of QR codes of the videos placed on equipment to assist with “just in time” learning. The goal is to inspire attendees who might benefit from using 1PPOV videos in their teaching.References:Lynch, K., Downer, T and Hitchen-Holmes, D. (2010). Learning in the first-person: an initial investigation. In C.H. Steel, M.J. Keppell, P. Gerbic & S. Housego (Eds.), Curriculum, technology & transformation for an unknown future. Proceedings ascilite Sydney 2010 (pp.570-575). Everett, F (2012). Using multimedia to teach students essential skills. Nursing Times, 108(30), 18-19. Hansen, M, Oosthuizen, G, Windsor, J et al (2011). Enhancement of medical interns’ levels of clinical skills competence and self-confidence levels via video iPods: pilot randomized controlled trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 13(1). Lynch K, Barr N. & Oprescu F. (2012) Learning Paramedic Science Skills From a First Person Point of View. Electronic Journal of e-Learning. 2012;10(4):pp.396-40 Duke, B., Harper, G., & Johnston, M. (2013). Connectivism as a digital age learning theory. The International HETL Review. Special Issue 2013 (pp. 4-13)

#147 Experiments in Blended Learning

Presenters: Kim Hagen-Hall, Michael Verhaart
This poster describes the development of a more blended approach to learning in a level 7 degree course, including the underlying pedagogy applied, the methodologies adopted and lessons learnt. This project is the initial phase in an Advanced Research Project for an applied Masters in IT.

#154 e-Exams at University of Queensland: 2014 trial results

Presenters: Mathew Hillier
This poster presents results of the most recent round of e-Exams trials undertaken at The University of Queensland (UQ) during semester 1 and 2 2014 using the latest version of the open source e-Exam System. The poster will include charts of findings from the post-exam student survey, featured comments from users of the e-exam system, a graphic representing the e-exam trial process, screen images from the e-exam system and recommended future improvements.

#171 Academic publishing in the 21st century

Presenters: Jennie Swann
For an emerging researcher the pressure to publish is strong, yet the pitfalls are many. This poster will highlight the issues around getting a paper in the area of technology enhanced learning accepted for publication in a “respected” journal. It will investigate the associated issues of rankings, publishing as an indicator of scholarship and open publishing.

#180 What’s the impact of your teaching?

Presenters: Stephen Harlow
Has the greening of university campuses been quietly advancing unnoticed? Like sustainability, definitions of e-learning are many and varied, but research shows delivery that includes an online component has a reduced environmental impact. This poster presents the results of an investigation into a matched-pair of online and on-campus courses with the aim of quantifying the carbon-based environmental impact of their delivery at the University of Waikato.

#228 Preparing Your Teaching for Earthquakes

Presenters: Rhian Salmon, Johnathon Flutey, Tim Archie

New Zealand’s capitol city, and home of Victoria University of Wellington, is built upon three major fault lines and is therefore subject to a high earthquake risk. To prepare for such a scenario, the Teaching Resilience project at Victoria University has been created to prepare academics, their students and institutional support staff for continuity of learning and teaching in the event of significant disruption due to an earthquake. During a major disaster scenario physical access to campus will be limited. This includes access to learning spaces, academic offices, the Library and key support groups. To ensure learning and teaching continuity in an event of this magnitude, digital technologies, continuity planning and alternative physical locations will be critical to providing a teaching platform that is seamlessly transitioned to from the traditional face to face environment. Although individual schools within Victoria University each have an earthquake response strategy, lessons from the University of Canterbury’s response suggest that additional steps can be taken to prepare for teaching in the event of an earthquake (Mackey et al., 2012). This aims of this project are to:minimise long-term risk to teaching programmes in the event of a major earthquake, enhance ongoing quality of teaching and learning at SEAD, build capacity in teaching with technology amongst staff. The opportunity to prepare for earthquakes in Wellington through new technologies in teaching is therefore also an opportunity to design and develop capability in the use of digital technologies for teaching in general. This aligns well with the University’s Digital Strategy and Vision for Learning and Teaching at Victoria (VUWCAD, 2011), which outlines the goals for: effective and seamless learning environments, programmes of study designed to maximise the impact of technology, technology facilitated student experience, and the development of a structure of Faculty specific support and capability enhancement. According to a recent study (VUWCAD, 2012) of VUW faculties, there is general consensus that staff in the faculties of science, engineering, architecture and design (SEAD) recognize the importance of and have a positive attitude towards the use of digital technologies in their teaching. However, staff are not confident in their technical skills and pedagogical knowledge to fully incorporate a range of digital technologies in their teaching. Therefore, building staff capability in integration of digital technologies into the pedagogical design and the delivery of staff support and training will be a critical component for creating resilient teaching within SEAD.

#265 What is Technological Pedagogical Reasoning and what influences its development?

Presenters: Vicky Smart
This poster presents the findings of a research project that is being finalised for the award of Doctor of Philosophy at Griffith University. Using Shulman’s Model of Pedagogical Reasoning and Action, this project has used a triangulated approach to understand how six Queensland teachers pedagogically reasoning with technology at different career points. Data has been collected from video stimulated interviews, a concept map, a think aloud interview and access to the teachers digital portfolio either prepared as part of the Smart Classroom Professional Development Framework or teacher education. The aim of this study is to understand how teachers Technological Pedagogical Reasoning (TPR) and what influences them to TPR. The findings present a Model of Technological Pedagogical Reasoning plus an addition to the Shulman’s Knowledge Base for Teaching – Technology Knowledge. The author posits there is a difference between the new Technology Knowledge base and Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK).

#290 Our Rhetoric and New Realities #NPF14LMD

Presenters: Adrienne Moyle, Kelly Bigwood, Toni Bruce, Rena Heap, Steve Leichtweis, Paul Neveldsen
This poster is one of a series from the tertiary institutions involved in the Ako Aotearoa project National Project Fund, 2014, Learners and Mobile Devices. This is a multiple case study where an identified m-learning design framework will be applied and further developed within specific programmes at the partner institutions. Analysis of these case studies will yield a rich set of evidence-based strategies and resources about effective m-learning that can be used by learners, teachers and leaders in their own contexts.At the University of Auckland, the Faculty of Education’s Strategic Plan (2014-2017) includes developing quality learning spaces (both physical and virtual) and quality pedagogies that support and foster active, interactive and collaborative learning.

#291 #NPF14LMD AUT University Case Studies

Presenters: Thomas Cochrane, Ross Brannigan, Kim Frenchman, Emily Greig, Ben Kenobi, Vickel Narayan, Carol Neil
This poster introduces the first stages of five mobile learning case studies that are part of an Ako Aotearoa National Project Fund #NPF14LMD. The project involves six institutions across New Zealand, forming a collaborative practitioner network exploring strategies for enhancing learning via mobile devices. The contexts of the five AUT University case studies include: Paramedicine, Game Design, TV Communications, Occupational Therapy, and Communications Studies.

#293 Mobile devices to increase student engagement in constructivist tertiary vocational education during #NPF14LMD

Presenters: Samuel Mann, Elise Allen, Glenys Ker, Rachel Byars, Matt Thompson, Hillary Jenkins
This poster describes an approach for the development of social and mobile educational technology resources for the support of constructivist learning in applied tertiary education. It describes five case studies where innovative teaching is challenging traditional support structures.

#295 #NPF14LMD Māori learners, pedagogies & mobile devices – Transforming tertiary practices

Presenters: Acushla O’Carroll
This poster aims to provide some context on the Māori learners and pedagogies strand that sits across 6 institutions (and 30 case studies) that are involved in an Ako Aotearoa funded project. Projects will target Māori learners as part of the study as well as practitioners who are engaging with specifically Māori pedagogical practices at tertiary level and how m-devices (and other technologies such as social networking sites) can be interwoven to Māori pedagogical practices to producing better learning experiences and outcomes for Māori (and potentially non-Māori) learners. Guided by a kaupapa Māori methodological approach, the proposed outcome of this strand is to propose a new framework that privileges Māori pedagogical practices and the use of m-devices.

#296 A focused learning approach to awarding competencies in healthcare

Presenters: Tracey Brighton
This poster illustrates a ‘flipped’ learning approach to acquiring a competency for continued practice by healthcare members. In a time poor healthcare environment where patient care is the primary focus, a compulsory online theoretical course can be both time consuming and seen as a waste of time by busy staff, especially if the course content is a repeat from last year. An applied solution is to flip the course so that assessment comes before the content. Staff are allowed one attempt at the robust assessment activity and if successful, awarded the competency. If they fail the assessment activity they are automatically enrolled into the full online course. In terms of learning design and review, the advantage of this process assists to inform a decision making approach to identify and outline staff training needs by reviewing and analysing gaps in knowledge for future professional development.

#297 #NPF14LMD Distance and Distributed Learning with Mobile Devices

Presenters: David Parsons, Wendy Holley-Boen, Anuradha Mathrani, Mandia Mentis, Monika Merriman, Daniel Thomas
The Massey University community of practice has a particular interest in the role of learner devices in the context of distance or distributed learning. In addressing the question ‘How can learners use the devices they already own more effectively in their studies?’ we ask in particular how these devices may be used not just beyond the classroom but also beyond the campus. The concept of BYOD in a distance learning context has so far been explored only in limited ways, for example by providing learning materials for distance students in ebook format (Handheld Learning 2013) or through mobile apps (Khaddage, & Latteman, 2013; Economides, 2013), or by enabling distance learners to make presentations over the Internet, or discuss topics with peers through social media (ICS, 2014.) We hope that we can explore not only these but more innovative ways of integrating learners’ own devices into the distance learning experience.

#298 Learners and Mobile Devices: Case Studies with computing students #NPF14LMD

Presenters: Kathryn Mac Callum, Michael Verhaart, David Skelton, Robyn Pascoe, Istvan Lengyl
This poster is one of a series from the tertiary institutions involved in the Ako Aotearoa project National Project Fund, 2014, Learners and Mobile Devices. Engaging students in learning requires teachers to develop an environment that fosters and supports students. This poster showcases four examples of how mobile technology has been used by four lecturers at one of the institutions involved in this project. These examples outline how mobile technology has been adopted within the Computing programme to capture student’s attention by actively engaging them in their learning. The examples focus on three broad areas; the use of mobile learning to encouraging student’s interaction in class, its use to capture knowledge and students’ learning experiences and finally it has been used to sharing resources inside and outside class.

#301 Learners and Mobile Devices #NPF14LMD: A nation-wide collaborative network of practice

Presenters: Stanley Frielick
A group of six NZ tertiary institutions are currently funded through the Ako Aoteraoa National Project Fund 2014 round (NPF14) to explore questions around learners and mobile devices (LMD) – see The aim of the project is to generate a range of practical strategies for students, teachers and leaders to utilise the affordances of mobile devices for pedagogical transformation and empowering learners. This presentation will engage participants with the initial sets of findings from the first year of the project. The central questions addressed by the project are: Will learners’ mobile devices deliver innovation, inclusion, and transformation—the main potential benefits for learners (Traxler 2010)? If so, how? What are the possible frameworks for enhanced learning and institutional change that will deliver these benefits? These questions, with a range of sub-questions (see e.g. Cochrane 2013, Parsons 2014), inform case studies generated by a collaborative network of practitioners consisting of 36 academic staff involved in the project—from AUT, EIT, Massey, Otago Poly, UoA and UNITEC. This collaborative network is signaled by the project hashtag #NPF14LMD. The poster describes the project questions and methods in detail, focuses on the project structure and project management framework, and lists all staff and discipline areas involved. This overall poster is accompanied by poster proposals (see separate submissions each tagged with #NPF14LMD) from each of the collaborative partner institutions that show the detail of individual case studies at each setting. It complements a sharing practice session (see separate submission) that will engage participants in hands-on activities related to the early project findings.

#305 #NPF14LMD Unitec Institute of Technology Case Studies

Presenters: James Oldfield, Maureen Perkins, Lee-Anne Turton, David McCurdy, Angela Gussey
Three unique projects have been identified at Unitec in the areas of early childhood education, game design, and veterinary nursing. These projects are interlinked and informed by a common pedagogical model (Cochrane, 2013, 2014) and a small local Community of Practice (Wenger, 2009) facilitated by the lead researcher of the group in the role of technology steward. Cochrane (2013) states that the modeling of the technology is a critical success factor for mobile learning. The members of this group have spent time over the first semester working with the mobile tools and collaboratively developing project plans for the integration and evaluation of mobile technologies into their respective courses.